My Friends! In accordance with Nashville hitting Phase 2 of reopening on Monday let us celebrate this great gift on Memorial Day… by hitting the courts!
Summer Tennis starts MONDAY!
Spherical Squad (Yellow Ball level Kids) info can be found HERE
We will all be taking care to only touch our own named balls. (1 new can of balls will be provided per child)
For fed ball drills from the hopper, only Margot will be allowed to touch the balls.
Here is your super sweet Memorial Day weekend deal. If you buy a 10 pack of private lessons, you get 1 week of Spherical Squad classes included AND this years T Shirt AND 10% off in the Pro Shop!
Buy your 10 pack here
Offer ends Memorial Day at 6pm and is limited to the first 5 purchases.
If you’re an adult and you’re saying hey hey I want this deal but I am too old for Spherical Squad (18U) you will get a credit of the same value, towards The Serve Series which was due to start in March. The Serve Series will be on Saturday Mornings at 9am starting June 6th.
So to recap: Buy a 10 pack of lessons
Get: 1 Week of Spherical Squad or $100 credit to The Serve Series
AND 10% off in the Pro Shop!
Remember this deal is limited to the first 5 to purchase.