Here is your ACTION PLAN

Spherical Yellow is coming through for you right here with a plan you can enjoy in your living room!

Every single morning we have Fast Feet. Buy tonight and get 2 free private lessons (or FaceTime sessions) with Coach Margot Carter.

Fast Feet is a 1 hour class that you can sign up for here

It is a mix of fitness, Tennis Specific footwork and PreHab to prevent injury.

Instagrams Live Q and A sessions, with confirmed guests:

Dr Sean Drake, Chiropractor extraordinaire and Vice President at RacquetFit

Coach Siobhan Sexton Belloli Founder SCATA Tennis

Coach Mary Pat Faley of The Riviera Club, California and creator of “The Glam Slam”

Coach Susan Nardi of First Break Academy, California

Coach Kelly Sykes, PTR Young Pro of the Year

It is a weird time, and something that can really help us, as per some doctor heard on the radio earlier today, is to live in and appreciate the moment. We are being forced to slow down, and we might as well during this time, stop to smell the roses. They’re there I promise, sometimes you just have to look a little harder. As in Tennis, anxiety, fear or lack of faith in your swing will produce a physical effect on the way you hit the ball, and it is always negative. Knowing this, it can only apply to all walks of life, so please take time to enjoy the small things, as John Lennon said in one of my favorite quotes,

“Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans”

Reminding ourselves of this can be a key way to help live in the moment and embrace this moment for what it is, for it is life, and we can choose how we react to our surroundings. Let us choose joy and let us choose to see the beauty in the small things.

Something I have learnt from owning my own business, is that days without structure can be good for a little while, but that can slowly turn into days upon days with little to no achievement, and this can become demoralizing. So, with that being said, my friends, here is my plan of action for next week! Lots more to come on the Social Media too, so tune in to and

Timetable below will be updated as times are confirmed.

(All times Central Standard Time USA [GMT +6])


7am Fast Feet

1pm Instagram Live Q & A: Ideas for your kids in your backyard with California Based Kids EXPERT Susan Nardi


7am Fast Feet

1pm Insta Live Q & A: Guest TBC


7am Fast Feet

1pm Insta Live Q & A: Wellness Wednesday with PTR Young Pro of the year Kelly Sykes @kitkat_academy


7am Fast Feet

1pm Insta Live Q & A: TBC

Friday (Philosophical Friday is always the theme ;) )

7am Fast Feet

1pm Insta Live Q & A: TBC

Posted on March 22, 2020 .