Ladies Doubles Clinic
Ladies Doubles Clinic
Ladies Doubles Clinic at West Meade Swim and Tennis Club.
Tuesday Mornings 9:30-11
Tuesday Nov 10th, 17th, 24th Dec 1st, 8th, 15th.
Rain Make up dates to be scheduled on the Sunday morning following the rainout.
This class is limited to 4 people, and each week will progress on from the previous one. As a former world ranked doubles player I will share my secrets on how to be one step ahead of the game, getting rid of that feeling that you don’t quite know what will happen next and whether or not you are in the correct position!
The Small Print: Everyone has to have some! Just a reminder that Spherical Yellow does have a 24 hour Cancellation policy. If you book a lesson or a clinic and you do not give 24 hours warning (except for extenuating circumstances) you will be charged. We also reserve the right to cancel clinics if there are not enough people signed up, so keep your eyes on your email and social media! Thanks