FHSTA Conference, Daytona.

It was an absolute honor to be asked to speak at the FHSTA 2018 Tennis Workshop. Thanks so much to Mike Baugh for the invitation. I very much enjoyed the research that I did to provide supporting evidence to my presentation “P.A.Q. The Communication Code”. It reminded me a lot of being back in Grad School spending hours on Pub Med finding studies that would help me with my thesis. I delved into this topic of Communication as for me it is essential that our subject matter is delivered in a way that will maximize learning and understanding of the topic. So often teaching can be tough, not because we don’t know the content, and not because our players are not willing to learn, but due to little nuances that can affect how well the information is received. I have broken down my main points into this code which can actually be applied to any form of teaching, no matter the teacher, or the student.

This simple code was developed by Margot Carter after many years on the Tennis court followed by a research project on how methods of communication affect learning. For more information or to book Margot to speak at your conference please contact info@sphericalyellow.com #tennis #learningstyles #coaching #teaching #communication #sytennis #margotcarter #sphericalyellow

Posted on December 10, 2018 .