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Definitions of Terms
Stance: The position of your legs and feet at the start of the serve
Ball Toss Release: The moment the ball leaves your hand
Contact Point: The moment the ball hits your strings
Knee Flexion: The deepest point of knee bend
Arm Cock Prior to Acceleration: The position of your arm just before accelerating the racket towards the ball
Follow Through / Finish: The end of the swing
Ready Position: You really ought to know this one, if you dont, please call a local tennis pro before using this app
Takeback: Racket position as you take the racket back
Hip and Shoulder Turn: The furthest back you turn your hips and shoulders before accelerating towards the ball
Step: The last step you take before hitting the ball
Contact Point: The moment the ball hits your strings
Follow Through / Finish: The end of the swing
Ready Position: You really ought to know this one, if you dont, please call a local tennis pro before using this app
Set the Racket: The point at which the racket is ready to go forwards into the volley
Step: The last step you take before hitting the ball (This has nothing to do with Come Dancing)
Contact Point: The moment the ball hits your strings
Finish: The end of the shot, prior to returning to ready position
Overhead / Smash
Stance: The position of your legs and feet at the start of the stroke
Non Dominant Arm Extension: The point at which your non dominant arm is at its most extended prior to accelerating the racket towards the ball
Knee Flexion: The deepest point of knee bend
Arm Cock Prior to Acceleration: The position of your racket yielding arm just before accelerating the racket towards the ball
Follow Through / Finish: The end of the swing