Tennis Specific Fitness: ONLINE!

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Tennis Specific Fitness: ONLINE!


Join me for 5 workouts 5 times a week for 5 weeks! Only $75 - that’s less than $4 per workout!! 

Each workout will be 1 hour long in TOTAL all exercises and moves specifically designed to help you on the Tennis court, either prehab to prevent injury, stretches to increase mobility or speedwork for the court.

Each workout will be LIVE in a private FB group with me! Equipment required will be minimal- thera bands and yoga mats recommended. Space required will be relatively small, so you should be able to do this in your living room during the quarantine, or, the back yard.

If you miss the daily live workout, it will be posted for you to do at a different time.

Learn some fantastic moves like the "Smash Jack" or the "Scissor Kick" to immediately help you become more efficient moving around the Tennis Court. See Preview Video Here

Starts March 23rd Every Weekday morning for 5 weeks!

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Hey, I am Margot, a former world ranked Tennis player. I developed this program in 2017 based off my experiences as a pro player and working with college athletes, for some of the ladies I coach who play club Tennis. I have been successfully helping everyone get faster around the court for many years, and now I am sharing it with the world! Let us get this work out going together, every week day for the next 5 weeks!